Cambridge Capital News
Cambridge Capital is a trusted source in major media publications for its expertise in logistics, supply chain and technology.
Cambridge Capital is a trusted source in major media publications for its expertise in logistics, supply chain and technology.
Scrappy Underdog to Investment Icon – Part 2
/5 Comments/in Interview, News, Podcast /by Cambridge CapitalThis episode of TECHquila Sunrise is the second part of Greg’s interview with Benjamin Gordon with Cambridge Capital.
Commentary: Why now is an excellent time to sell your logistics business
/5 Comments/in News /by Cambridge CapitalThreat of higher capital gains taxes in 2021 just one of several good reasons to consider selling
Scrappy Underdog to Investment Icon – Part 1
/5 Comments/in Interview, News, Podcast /by Cambridge CapitalBen Gordon interviewed on Supply Chain Now’s series TECHquila Sunrise
Last-mile logistics businesses could be next billion-dollar startups
/in Interview, News, Podcast /by Cambridge CapitalCambridge Capital’s Ben Gordon and operating partner Essa Al-Saleh spoke in a fireside chat at the American Shipper Global Trade Tech summit discussing trends within the logistics industry and the factors the venture capital firm looks for in a startup before investment.
GTT Fireside Chat – New technology in logistics: How founders can get help from seasoned operators
/in Interview, News, Podcast /by Cambridge CapitalBen Gordon talks with Essa Al-Saleh operating Partner, Cambridge Capital in the Fireside Chat
USPack acquires last-mile delivery, pool distribution firms
/3 Comments/in News /by Cambridge CapitalUSPack following model of building last-mile scale through acquisitions.
Point of View: US government leaders wanted: No experience required?
/5 Comments/in Blogs, News /by Cambridge CapitalA contrarian view on the USPS. Is Louis DeJoy’s logistics business experience an asset or a liability to the government? And if business success is devalued, who will agree to public service leadership?
Who got the better end of the Nikola-GM deal?
/in Blogs, Interview, News /by Cambridge CapitalBen Gordon on Great Quarter, Guys podcast discusses the importance of the Nikola-GM partnership
FreightWaves Carrier Summit: Should every logistics company have a last mile strategy?
/2 Comments/in Interview, News, Podcast /by Cambridge CapitalGreat Quarter, Guys podcast: Ben Gordon live from the FreightWaves Carrier Summit
BGSA Advises NFI on Acquisition of CAI Logistics
/8 Comments/in News /by Cambridge CapitalBGSA Holdings LLC, a leading M&A advisory firm focused on the logistics and supply chain industry, advised NFI on the acquisition of CAI Logistics.
3PL Summit – Live Town Hall Q&A with Brad Jacobs
/6 Comments/in Interview, News /by Cambridge CapitalBen Gordon: “What’s your current outlook and how do you think about M&A today?”
3PL Summit – Live Town Hall Q&A with Brad Jacobs
/8 Comments/in Interview, News /by Cambridge CapitalBen Gordon: “What’s your growth strategy in e-commerce?”
Benjamin Gordon and Cambridge Capital in the News
/8 Comments/in News /by Cambridge CapitalFreightwaves event speaker profile
FreightWaves 3PL Summit: Brad Jacobs On Diversity, Automation And COVID Recovery
/3 Comments/in News /by Cambridge CapitalThe live question-and-answer town hall was the opening session of FreightWaves 3PL Summit
Liftit raises $22.5 million to automate last mile in Latin America
/5 Comments/in News /by Cambridge CapitalColombia-based freight tech startup automating last-mile logistics in Latin America, announced that it had closed a $22.5 million Series B round led by Cambridge Capital